萨利希人的家族 & 库特奈部落拥有的企业

Our story; an introduction to the 不言而喻赛利希语 and 库特奈 Tribes

The Flathead Reservation is comprised of three tribes; the Bitterroot Salish, 上奥列耶盘, 和库特奈部落. The Bitterroot Salish and 上奥列耶盘 (pronounced Pawn do-RAY) became the “不言而喻赛利希语” and together the three entities were soon called The 不言而喻赛利希语 and 库特奈 Tribes. 我们公司名称中的S和K&K科技有限公司.,指的是萨利希语(S)和库特奈语(K)两个族群。.

根据萨利希语和彭德·德·奥利耶文化, Coyote and other animal-people taught the Salish about spirituality, 生存, 以及社会组织. These teachings were centered on a relationship with the land and all living creatures. There was no concept of land ownership; it was the land, water, and sun that owned the people.

Salish oral tradition speaks about the “long bitter cold,” which is a reference to the last ice age. Archaeologists have documented sites within our aboriginal territory that correlate these stories, reflecting a continuous tribal occupancy reaching back to about the time of the end of the last ice age.

的年代alish lived off the land and migrated seasonally around western Montana to where food was found. 萨利希人有一个古老的步道网络, 路径, 以及他们收集这些资源的地方. In the spring, the Salish would 收集 roots, vegetables, and medicines for the entire year. In the summer, as berries and other fruits began to ripen, they would 收集 them as well. During the fall the Salish would hunt for meat that would eventually be dried for the winter months.


三个部落(萨利希语), 库特奈, and 使悬而不决d 'Oreille) lived a life of sustenance and relative peace. First contact with Europeans came when Lewis and Clark encountered the Salish in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana, who helped them cross the Bitterroot Mountains in their journey West. 萨利希人看到白皮肤的人很震惊, 秃头头, 和胡子, since many Native people do not grow beards or lose their hair. 的年代alish called these people Suyape, which means “people with an upside-down face.”

A Salish prophet by the name of Shining Shirt had a vision of men in long black robes coming to the Salish people to offer different medicines and prayers. The Iroquois tribe of the Great Lakes travelled to the Salish and told them that Jesuits, 通常穿着深色长袍, 会来找他们. 的年代alish saw this as a sign and invited the Jesuits to Western Montana. 萨利希人不知道, the Jesuits were on a mission to assimilate them through religious conversion. Many Salish were forced to abandon their culture and language after contact with the Jesuits.

美国.S. government realized the agricultural potential in Western Montana and tried to negotiate a treaty with the Salish, 使悬而不决d 'Oreille, 和库特奈人. Under the agreement, the tribes would have to relinquish 22 million acres of land for a modest 1.300万英亩保留区. 萨利希人的酋长们, 库特奈, and 使悬而不决d 'Oreille did not agree to the terms and refused to sign the treaty. The chief’s names were then forged on the document by General James Garfield (future U.S. President) and the Salish, 库特奈, and 使悬而不决d 'Oreille were forced onto the Flathead Reservation. 在酋长查罗的领导下, the Salish resisted and stayed in the Bitterroot Valley for about thirty years before the U.S. military forced them to the Jocko Valley (present day Arlee, MT).



The wording of the treaty was such that the tribes “conditionally” lived on the reservation, 但会保留狩猎的权利, 收集, 在原住民的土地上捕鱼. 土地所有权对部落来说是一个陌生的概念, and since the treaty wording did not give the tribes total ownership of the reservation, the reservation was opened for settlement to non-部落成员 under the Allotment Act (Dawes Act of 1887). 在将大部分土地割让给美国之后.S. 通过条约授予他们的政府, it was further subdivided and auctioned off to non-Indian people. Today, a majority of the land and people on the Flathead Reservation are non-Indians.

认识到时代的变化, the 不言而喻赛利希语 and 库特奈 Tribes became the first tribe in the U.S. to adopt a Republic Tribal Council as part of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. Since then, the Tribes have been one of the most progressive tribes in the U.S. 有很多企业,包括S&K技术公司是蒙大拿州莱克县最大的雇主. The Tribes contribute about $65 million annually to the local economy and around $317 million to Montana’s annual economy. 到2015年,他们将成为美国唯一的黑人部落.S. 水力发电:拥有并经营水力发电设施.


不言而喻赛利希语 and 库特奈 Tribal Council building in Pablo, 蒙大拿州的平头保留地.

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